Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ian's first day of "School"

Ok, its really Mother's Day Out but that is too long to say and type! He had a good morning, walked right in the classroom and started dancing to the music. He ate pizza and a cupcake for a birthday party and he even got to paint. However, Ian thought is was ridiculous that he should have to "nap" any other place than at home! I got the call at noon that I should probably come and get him, he was not handling things well. I went and picked him up and by 12:30, he was sound asleep in the van! Overall, I think he did great and had a super morning. Next week will be better (although I'm picking him up early to avoid any breakdowns).


Jennifer Walker said...

Awww. He looks so cute! Our little boys are growing up, aren't they?