We took Ian to Lewis Lights in Purvis. The Lewis family (we don't know them)decorates their home and garden with thousands of lights each year. And thousands of people go to see them each year.
Christmas eve in Star. We went to Christy's house where Bo and Mimi gave Ian and Anderson a set of drums! Ian loves them!
Christmas day at Granny's. Ian was opening his Mr. Potato Head from Nanny.
Christmas morning at our house! Ian was totally overwhelmed with everything. He loved his basketball goal but didn't feel like unwrapping his other loot! The picture of him on his "jr. quad" is the only time he has actually been on it!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Christmas in Hattiesburg
Posted by Caryn at Monday, December 31, 2007 1 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Our Baby Tycer in 4D!
Jeff, Ian, and I went to the doctor yesterday to have the 4D ultrasound done. I'm not sure how they do it but it is amazing. So, as you can see, Ty looks like he has the Watkins nose! He got a little camara shy at the end but we thought they came out pretty good....enjoy~
Posted by Caryn at Wednesday, December 19, 2007 1 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A Little More Ian
Ian loves to blow out candles. It doesn't matter whether or not they are lit. He also puts his own unique spin on "Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas".
Posted by Jeff at Wednesday, December 12, 2007 0 comments
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Disney in December
Disney this past week for the national competition.

Posted by MattVino's at Saturday, December 08, 2007 0 comments
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Our Santa Visit
This year we had a "santa" come to our house to pay Ian a visit. I bought a ticket from the Garden Club here in Hattiesburg for this fun-filled event! Ian loved seeing Santa last year so I knew this was something that I just had to do....well, maybe not!
Here is Ian, 10 minutes BEFORE Santa's big arrival.
Ian wanted nothing to do with Santa and had the death grip on his Daddy the entire time.
"Why are you at my house?"
Finally, before Santa left, Ian gave him "five" but that was it! He wouldn't even get down to walk around. Jeff had to hold him the whole time....
Posted by Caryn at Thursday, December 06, 2007 2 comments
Friday, November 09, 2007
Pictures from NC
Matthew having a really good dream!
Mommy and Ian at Emily's football game...brrrr
Loving on Liv
Daddy and Ian before the game all bundled up for the cold weather.
Ian was showing Granny that Nanny has teeth!
Emmie getting a little Ian love!
Posted by Caryn at Friday, November 09, 2007 0 comments
Halloween in North Carolina
Ok, the only reason this picture made it is because some of you have been requesting shots of the growing belly...this is the only one I could find. Its not a great view but I think you get the idea!
We weren't too sure if Ian would dig the costume but he was totally checking himself out. He loved being the lion!
I just love the way he was dragging that heavy bucket! Very intense!
We took him Trick-or-Treating on our old street in Clemmons. Here are two of our old neighbors giving Ian some candy.
Posted by Caryn at Friday, November 09, 2007 1 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Then and Now!
We went to the pumpkin patch again this year and after seeing the pictures, I had to let you all see the "then and now". Its amazing how much Ian has grown and changed in a year! I'm a little teary!!
Here are a few more pictures from the past few days. Its been so nice outside and we have been enjoying it! As you can see, Ian doesn't really stop and pose for the camera anymore...they are all action shots now!
I'm a big boy now...out of my way!
The church that sponsored the pumpkin patch had a praise band singing. Ian was entranced by the music. The pumpkins were number two or three on the "things to do" list!
Posted by Caryn at Saturday, October 27, 2007 0 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Outside of Pike Place Market, one of the famous Seattle spots. (This is where they throw the fish.)
His first plane trip. He was an awesome traveler.
It was quicker and about the same price as a taxi, so Ian had his first Limo ride.
Ian and Caryn dressed for Seattle's weather.
At the zoo with a rather large bear.
Ian loved the Carousel.
A family photo at the Space Needle. Mt. Ranier is in the distance behind us.
Ian loved the Children's Museum. Water play was a big hit.
Posted by Jeff at Monday, October 22, 2007 0 comments
Recent Happenings
Helping Daddy wash the cars.
A day at the park.
With Anderson at Mimi's Birthday Party (trying to steal her iced tea).
Posted by Jeff at Monday, October 22, 2007 0 comments